A family legacy, a friendship and a wine

Filippo Corsini spoke with enormous energy and enthusiasm when he first described to me the project of fico, a biodynamic wine he wanted to grow on the slopes of the San Casciano estate that his family had owned and cultivated since the 1300’s.

We became friends in a busy New Yotk city kitchen.
I was a sous chef and he was on a summer internship.
He arrived very focused on truly understanding the role that wine played in a succesful restaurant, both from a business and experiental standpoint.
Over the summer he diligently worked every position until he understood the theatre of it all.

Fresh off a period of working for his uncle’s biodynamic vineyard in Argentina, Filippo arrived with an intense passion for biodynamic wine.
He also had a plan.
He was convinced, knowing the success his father had with the vines on their land, that biodynamic cultivating was worth the risk and moreover, a bold move towards the future.
At that point, he needed to convince his father to give him a start with a couple of rows.
We crossed our fingers tightly for him.

Today, I live in Tuscany and work with filippo’s family.
I run a very unique culinary class and I am a private chef for the vacation villa here at Villa Le Corti.
I also have the honor to partecipate in the harvest 2021 of Fico and Per Filo wine, which will be released early this year.

I’m fortunate to spend time with the wonderful guests here who are always interested in how I moved to tuscany from New York City.
It is perfect moment to share my memories of Filippo and the success of his dreams where they can see his vineyard and taste his wine.
My memories become a story.
And as that person shares that some story with someone new, we expand his legacy, which is important to us all.